ÓÍHA:’ (TROUBLE)Click Here to Download & Print: TROUBLE Game Sheet Onöndowa'ga:' Gawë:nö' (Seneca Language)Óíha:' (Trouble, lit. It's the consequence.) COLORS Ohsóhgwa'shö'öh (Colors)Ganë́hdaikö' (Green)Ojítgwä:'ë:' (Yellow)Gëöya'ë:' (Blue)Ji:nyóae' (Blue)Gwë́hdä́:'ë:' (Red) USEFUL WORDS Nö'gátgwe:ni'! (I won!)Ho'knígöhö:t (I cheated.)Ho'snígöhö:t (You cheated.)Nyoh! (Okay!, Alright!)Ja:göh! (Good job!, Keep it up!)Go'geh! (Hurry!)Ne'hoh shö:h (That is all.) I:' ne:wa' (Me, this time.)I:s ne:wa' (You, this time.)Sö:h, ne:wa'? (Who, this time?)Ae' (Again) 1 - Sga:d2 - Dekni:h3 - Sëh4 - Ge:ih5 - Wis6 - Ye:i' Ëgáhjaë' (I'll push.)Ësáhjaë' (You'll push.)Deyeyë́:dahgwa' (Dice, lit. something used for betting.)Wahdadö̀:gwas (It pops.) Gi:'jö' (I'm home.)Si:'jö' (You're home.)Hosa:gyö' (I'm home again.)Sa:šö' (You're home again.) Ëgáhsawë' (I will begin.)Ësáhsawë' (You will begin.)Dëgek (I'll pick it up.)Dësek (You'll pick it up.)Ëgatgë:is (I'll move.)Ësatgë:is (You'll move.)Ö:ëdö:gwa:h (Forward)Heyodogë:döh (Warp, lit. The fastest way.)Ëkë' nekohgwah (I'll put it down here.)Ëhšë' nekohgwah (You'll put it down here.)Ëkeyajá'dödak (I'll take her, their place.)Eyajá'dödak (I'll take his place.)Ëgadënye:d (I will send it.)Hë́:öweh ësáhsawë' (Where you will start.)Da'öh (It's not possible.)Ësgásawë' (I will start again.)We:so' óíha:' (Double Trouble, lit. A lot of consequence.)